What we do

We support our community to leave poverty and disadvantages behind.

We support different ways out of poverty towards self-reliance.
We empower our community members already in school by a variety of additional educational offers, but also after graduation by qualification programmes and investments in their projects and businesses.
For many of these activities, the resources of our environment are essential, which we teach to manage in a sustainable way.

Our projects

Skill trainings

We want to fight poverty and the high unemployment rate. Therefore, we offer skill trainings for women and youths to create their own income and become self-reliant. We offer the following trainings:

Art and crafts
Permaculture farming
Tour guiding and tourism
Cooking and baking

Microfinance group

We have a lot of ambitious and smart women in our community who suffer from poverty, unemployment or dependent relationships. We give them financial support for building or expanding their business in our microfinance group, where they work as a team and support each other. Currently, 4 out of 11 beneficiaries got a microinvestment to realize their projects and more will follow soon.

Empower the girls

The girls in our communities are usually disadvantaged. Statistically, they leave school earlier compared to boys for reasons like the inability to pay school fees, early pregnancies or their role assigned by family or society. Therefore, they are deprived of many opportunities in life.
In various projects, we encourage their confidence to stand up for themselves and to follow their dreams. We give them a safe space to exchange experiences and problems and organise workshops or excursions.

In addition, many girls cannot afford feminine hygiene products and are not properly informed about the topic. As a result, they miss school during menstruation. Therefore, we educate and provide them with reusable sanitary pads.
Beyond that, we offer business training after graduation or support in finding sponsors for the school fees.

Supplemetary education

We want education to be equally available, regardless of income or origin. Especially in rural areas, many children do not have an adequate education and schools are less well equipped. To fight this inequality, we offer additional English lessons and computer courses at weekends and during holidays.

We also organise sports, games or gardening to encourage the children’s various interests as well as promote their mental health.

Save our environment

Our environment is our greatest good to sustain our future. Therefore we have to protect it and prevent exploitation. We train our community about sustainable permaculture farming, the impact of climate change and the effects of waste in our environment. Accordingly, we organize plastic collection events in our villages.

In the future, we plan to compensate the actions of destroying forests by planting new trees.


The majority of our community lives from agriculture. We offer trainings on how to farm in the most sustainable and preserving way. We educate in permaculture, which conserves the soil, and started a teaching farm in a local primary school.

Moreover, we teach local families about organic gardening using degradable waste, and how they can grow vegetables and fruits for better nutrition and self-sustainability. We also offer land to provide opportunities for women in rural villages to grow and sell amaranth, basil, rosemary and other spices.

In addition, 30% of the income from the sale of vanilla by an orgaisation member goes directly to the support of our projects.

How we imagine our future

We want to have sustainable impact and improve the lifes of our community members.
We want to learn how to solve problems in our community and take our insights to as many places as possible to help.
We want to be an organisation acting in the poorest regions in whole Tanzania and grow from our roots in the Kilimanjaro region.
The Kilimanjaro region has a lot of ressources and opportunities, more than many other regions in Tanzania. We want to share our ressources and support regions, which have less favourable conditions.
We want to introduce a bigger mindset of sharing.
Get involved.

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